Molly Tyroler and Steve Shleicher Present CLE
Molly Tyroler Molly Tyroler

Molly Tyroler and Steve Shleicher Present CLE

From high-profile criminal investigations to managing client expectations and settlement discussions, every attorney must understand and deal with conflict. While disagreements and conflict allow us an opportunity to see issues from a different perspective and create space for growth, unmanaged conflict can cloud our rational decision making, making it easy to lose focus on our goals of the negotiation.

Join Steve Shleicher ‘95 and Molly Tyroler ‘10 for critical examination of the role of conflict in negotiations. Shleicher, a renowned trial attorney and most recently part of the prosecution team at the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin, and Tyroler, a full time mediator, will dive into real examples of how conflict escalates, its effect on negotiations, and strategies to de-escalate conflict to enhance outcomes.

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