Mediation is an efficient, effective, and confidential tool that is frequently used by parties of workers’ compensation and personal injury cases to settle legal disputes. The mediation is scheduled to take place on a specific day and time. However, your mediation is not limited by the scheduled timeframe. Mediation is a process that requires extensive preparation and, at times, pre-mediation telephone calls and post-mediation follow up.
The parties typically send the mediator confidential mediation statements that outline the legal issues, strengths and weakness of the case, and goals for mediation. Often, Ms. Tyroler is provided a copy of relevant medical reports that are significant to the case. She reviews that documentation and comes prepared to the scheduled mediation.
Once the mediation begins, Ms. Tyroler will introduce herself and explain her role in the process. The parties remain separated during the mediation and Ms. Tyroler will facilitate discussions and negotiations between the parties. As a neutral party, Ms. Tyroler will not make any decisions on the case, but will continue discussions with the parties about the legal issues, strengths and weaknesses, and goals for the mediation.
The mediation process is completely confidential. This allows the mediator the flexibility to help parties think outside the box and reach creative solutions that may not be available to them through a hearing or trial. Mediation is an opportunity for parties to have control over the outcome of their case before the issues are presented to a judge or jury.